5/9/2013 - 12/9/2013
Thanks for dedicating your time on the server.
My god always be with you.
"Dear CaseRo players:
My time here is over. I don't like banning people. To date I have jailed 4-5 people, depending on how you define jailing; I don't like jailing people. Each one makes me feel sick inside. There's nothing pleasant about playing police GM. You're forced to spy, your friends stop kidding around you, everyone takes you too seriously, you become the sellout, the traitor, the untrustable in a group. I would GM for the good of the server, but I cannot see what good it would do for the server at this time. Thank you for the time here, and for being good while I was Police.
My job cannot be carried out with the server in its current state. Those of you who know this understand why I say so. The tools I need are not there. And my abilities are far too limited. Lastly, and most importantly, I don't see why I should jail someone. Morality and honesty are not followed on both sides of the playing board. Thus, neither side can have a say as a judge. And if such is the case, what role does a Police play? I have no heart to ban others in the first place.
To all you guys, I'll see you guys in game. I miss you all, I miss trolling the main, I miss trolling other guilds in WoE, I miss playing WoE, I miss RI, and Matt, and Muffin, and Jason, and Sour and all the other RI members that I could not enjoy WoE with because I was moderating it. You all know me as Eagle/Experiment/Postulate anyway!~ Not as a nasty police gm.
To Yrvine: Time here was fun. But if it takes whole day to consider the end of my trial, it is clear our paths do not and cannot match. I do not like delivering bad news, and I cannot require from others what I do not like doing myself. This is a parting gift, and thus you do not have to tell me that we do not work well together. That much is evident. My decision is driven mostly by what I have listed above though, that I absolutely hate throwing a player in jail no matter what the cause is. Good luck to Case, and all of its players.
PS: I believe, this makes me the SECOND Gm to quit.
PSS: @Hinangitz the bard, I never had any evidence against you aheuhuheue. I just jailed you anyway.
PSSS: @Sour, Can woe again AHUEHUHEUE. "
Quote from http://case-ro.com/board/index.php?/topic/1203-good-bye-casero/ Retirement Letter from GM Eagle.
It seem he retired the same day his trial end. May us wish him a good journey ahead and thanks for his commitment in CaseRO.