
Monday, 30 September 2013

Improving Our Server ~

Hey guys ~

So as of recently; The GM Team and I have been discussing how we can improve the server overall.
We've compiled a small list of things that we find are HIGH PRIORITY fixes/changes to boost the enjoyment of our server.

1.Add Proxy Server and change HOST. (Lots of issues since the host switch)

2.Add #vending upon log in. / Show @mail when log in

3.Correct all false descriptions in items.

4.Clarified Guild Package

5.Newbie Package - 1 Per IP

6.Make Zeny easier to obtain, in-turn lowering Case Token Prices (Add 1 carat diamond to BG Supply)

7.Guild Castle Reward - [Something similar to my post here]

8.Add headgear many headgear disguise - [Your input in Guccivera's thread is appreciated]

9. Implement more Server Features, Community Events
-Devil Square
-King of Emperium

10. ROTD working with Party Share
-To encourage community to use the party function
-Allow players to Party Up and still use ROTD to level.
-Add Dungeon EXP bonus
-Party lvl cap change to 30

11. Change @whosell to english

Of course, the point of posting this is because I want your input.
This is just our list, what does yours look like?
What are some things you would love to see added to this server?
Things you've been looking for in a server ~

We want to provide the best experience we can, and we can't do that without all of you!
I want to know what your high priority additions are, and we may look into adding them ASAP ~

** Please Note: High priority suggestions are generally things like Improving the host to solve lag issues. Not implementing an NPC to give away Case Tokens for 1z each. Little "fun" additions like that can be discussed in our suggestion forum :3

Thank you for your time!
Together, I believe we can push CaseRO to its true potential ~ 

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