
Welcome to CaseRO

CaseRO is a new pre-renewal mid rate server that aims to provide the best ragnarok experience without the fear of wipes,downtime and corruption. The server delivers many unique features for players to build and explore.

12/09/13 Donation Promo!

Click here to check out our latest promotion for donation !


Not everyone can resist the greed, or is willing to give up what they find. But today, Huckleberry has proven that she can do it. Her karma must be incredible by now. Click on picture to find out more.

Scheduled Maintenance: 11/09/13

The Maintenance is over. Check the changelog on the image.

Rules and Regulations

CaseRO has some rules and regulations to ensure fair gameplay, and the best experience for everyone. Click image to view Rules and Regulations.

Knowing the GM

The GM team is open to feedback, and friendly to all players. Click on the image to check out a list of GM available.

Miss/Mr CaseRO Beauty Contest

Do vote for your favorite character sprite on the forum now! Click image to view more ~

MVP Event Hosted by GM Yrvine

In celebration of our 400+ online player peak. Good job Players of CaseRO !

Server Screenshot

Join us on CaseRO to have fun and a happy gaming experience.

Guild in CaseRO

Bring out your guild of at least 5 Members to receive our Guild package !

Daily Event

Events will be hosted daily by our GM's. You may want to click on the image above to learn about event timing.

Case Card

Our very own currency used to purchase equips or Case tokens a.k.a. Donation tokens.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Improving Our Server ~

Hey guys ~

So as of recently; The GM Team and I have been discussing how we can improve the server overall.
We've compiled a small list of things that we find are HIGH PRIORITY fixes/changes to boost the enjoyment of our server.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

25/09/13 Updates

Maintenance updates: 02:00 - 04:00 server time.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Scheduled Maintenance: 25/09/13

The maintenance should start at roughly around 02:00 server time.
The maintenance expected to last about 2 hours.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Please Help Us answering Survey.

Hello players of CaseRO,
I would like to invite you all to take a survey about each GM in our Team.
We're looking for feedback on our GM team, to improve in whatever way we can!
You, the community matter most to us, so please take a moment to fill out a survey!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

3rd Monthsary Loading Screen Event!

CaseRO is hosting a competition for new loading screens!

We need your help in order to have a new spirit on your screen.
You all shall receive the chance and opportunity to show us your creativity and drawing skills. This is so we can find out which loading screen you would like to see in the next few weeks to come. Remember that CaseRO is an unique server and different from most so try to be as creative as possible to create something original and exciting!

You can provide us any kind of loading screen which is basically related to Ragnarok and CaseRO
Make sure its got the size of: 1024 x 768 and in .JPG format

The competition will be held from: 21/09/13 - 28/09/13

Reward List:

1st Place will recieve: 150 Case Tokens
2nd Place will recieve: 100 Case Tokens
3rd Place will recieve: 50 Case Tokens
4th Place will recieve: 25 Case Tokens

Please post in this thread the following:

Your in game name and your Loading-Screen.

Contest Rules

1. Only 3 entries per person (you can replace your screen (edit your original post) until the deadline is finished)
2. The Staff will choose the winners.
3. Do not steal loading screens from other servers, if we catch you doing this, you'll receive a punishment and will not obtain any prizes
4. Please do not just edit google wallpapers with just a text, show us some creative thoughts, if you cant draw that good, make collages with screens or other pictures.

Breaking the rules can lead into a in game punishment. 

Source :

Previous Event :

Friday, 20 September 2013

CaseRO v3 Patcher: Sneak Peek!

Posted Image

Download link will be available during our next server maintenance!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Ask us question !

Ask us question !

Monday, 16 September 2013

Ways to download CaseRO !

"Special Notes: If you're having any problem with installing CaseRO please make a thread on technical issues located in forum.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Regarding Favoritism

Personally I want to thank those people that believe in our GM Team.
We will implement the 2 Npc on every town and reveal our Future Guild Package in two Days time.
To avoid futher misunderstanding and confusion.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

GM Yrvine Statement

-We will keep moving forward for the best of the server.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

CaseRO Current To-Do-List

We want to fix all the description error in order to avoid confusion in future.
Right now down the list is the current error in description of the item mention.

Vote For Points

We have implement Vote for Points for the server. Do vote and help us !

Player: Huckleberry

Player: Huckleberry
One of the honest player of CaseRO.
Not everyone can resist the greed, or is willing to give up what they find. But today, Huckleberry has proven that she can do it. Her karma must be incredible by now. 

12/09/13 Donation Promo!

Hello CaseRO Players!
We will be having a donation promotion. Starting from now until 19/09/13.

For every 50$ donation you can get

1: Donation Promo Box

Posted Image

Retirement of GM Eagle.

5/9/2013 - 12/9/2013
Thanks for dedicating your time on the server.
My god always be with you.

RWC 2008 Dragon Helm Gold

RWC 2008 Dragon Helm Gold has been added to Case Token Npc at the cost of 200 Case Token.
Rumors say that this decision was made by GM Yrvine alone.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Changelog 12/09/13 :

Alright this is the change log for the schedule maintenance for 11/09/13
Other suggested and approve request will be implement on the next maintenance.

Miss/Mr CaseRO Beauty Contest

Miss/Mr Beauty ~

The idea of this Event is to create the cutest/most beautiful character in CaseRO! The possibilities are endless, you can make your character look however you want! Just be creative! The winner will be voted on by the community ~

CaseRo Rules.

~CaseRO Rules!~

Hi all! I'll try to make these rules as short and sweet as possible, without losing clarity. Feel free to mention something that is unclear!

Remember! Rules are in place so that everyone can have fun!~ It only takes 1 bad apple to ruin the barrel!

Scheduled Maintenance: 11/09/13

The maintenance should start at roughly around 23:00 server time.

The maintenance expected to last about 3 hours.

Guild Package is undergo a huge change.

Our guild package is undergo a huge change.
Will update on the blog as soon as possible.
What we want to achieve is to attract more players from other server.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

GM of CaseRO

How we work?

The GM's of CaseRO work in a professional manner and we do our best to satisfy all our players
The only GM with powers to change the server is GM Yrvine,

Server Opening: June 24 2013

CaseRO - Protects Your Destiny
We decided to create a blog to keep you guys up to date about everything happening on CaseRO!
Before we start writing,